Published by Mariah Sturdivant
August 7th, 2022
Around the end of last year, I decided I wanted to get back into reading. Even though my Creative Writing major allowed me to read a variety of books, it felt like I was reading for classes instead of reading for fun. So, I decided that I wanted to get back into reading. If you want to read but don't know how to get into it, here are a couple of tips that I found very useful in my reading journey!
1. Judge A Book By Its Cover
Yes, I am aware that the saying is 'never judge a book by its cover, but I feel that that saying has grown old throughout time. It's like watching a preview of a movie. The preview gives you a nice little snippet but doesn't reveal the whole movie. If the preview looks interesting the higher the chances are that you will see the movie. Similarly, if the book looks eye-catching then the more intrigued you will be by it. As long as the cover and the premise on the back of the book intrigues you, then it should be enough to keep you entertained, which is what you really want from the book.
2. Read Books Similar That Are Similar To TV Shows/ Movies You Like
Books and Movies go hand in hand. They are just different forms of media that keep people entertained. They are a lot of different TV shows and Movies that are adaptations of books. That is why I always read books that I feel like I would see if it was made into a movie or TV show. For instance, one show that I loved to watch is Pretty Little Liars, therefore, a lot of the books I read are thrillers or murder mysteries. Another example is my favorite genre of movies is horror, so I like to go for the darker books. Every once in a while I may read like a romance novel or drama book, but the ones that I always gravitate towards are the genre that keeps me the most entertained. So, if you are looking for a specific genre, just select books that you think will keep you the most immersed.
3. Set Timer or Page Goal
If the number of pages frightens you or scares you away from a book, just know that it is okay if you cannot finish the book in one day. Just go at your own reading pace and do not rush. To help with that you can set a timer or have a page goal. For instance, when I got back into reading I set a timer for an hour. After an hour I felt accomplished and glad that I took time out of my day to read. Or I set a page goal of fifty pages per day. Since I work and can't spend every second of the day reading I felt like these goals were doable and just picking up a book helped me get better. So, never rush a book if you don't want to because reading is not a chore and it shouldn't feel like it.
4. Take Breaks
Another benefit of setting timers and page goals is that there can be breaks implemented in it. As I said earlier, reading should be for fun and not feel like a task so taking breaks is a good way to clear your head and ensure that you are fully comprehending the book.
5. Read In A Comfortable Setting
In order to feel fully emersed in a book, I think you need to be one with your surrounding. I know a lot of people who set the ambiance when they read. They light some candles and enjoy a book in the bathtub or they'll take the book outside to get some fresh air while diving deep into their book. A more comfortable setting allows you to read more pages and might even inspire you to read more than you planned on. Comfortability relaxes the brain even more so reading should feel like a breeze!

6. Paint A Vivid Picture in Your Mind
Just like hw movies need actors/actresses to bring the film to life, books needs them too. Books have a lot of details about setting, characters, time, etc. and sometimes it can can be a lot to take in. There can be page after page of exposition which is why it is important to ave every detail organized. What I do is I make a 'cast' in my mind and choose actors that fit the character details. It may sound strange at first, but it is a lot easier than picturing a character from scratch. I do the same thing with the setting, I just choose a place and have the story take place there.
7. Don't Let Anyone Judge You
Everyone may not have the confidence to pull out a book and just read anywhere. There may be some kind of anxiety when choosing when and where to read. However, in order get into a book, you have to be okay with letting people see you read. Who knows, maybe you will inspire others around you to read as well. Once youpractice reading whenever and wherever you are it will be easier and the judgemental eyes will not be a problem. Start at a cafe or a park and you will start to have some type of normalcy.
8. Start Slow & Build
Getting back into reading is like getting back into working out. To ensure that you aren't stretching yourself to far, start off slow and build your way up. Since your brain is also a muscle, it needs to develop getting back into the swing of things. For instance, you can start off with a small book, then build up to a bigger book. This will also help you see what type of books you like and the length of the books you like. If you are reading abook and find yourself drifting then you know that that book isn't for you. Or if you like a smaller book then you know that those books are your specialties. Get your brain and eyes back into the motion of reading.
9. Look At Future Books You Want To Read
To keep up with the momentum of reading, I recommend that you have another book set aside for the future. When I go book shopping, I look at more than one book at a time so and I plan accordingly about how I want to read them. A good way to start this habit is to read a book series so that you now have a couple of books lined up. Or if you like a certain author you can choose anther book that the author wrote. A good way that I find books is on bookofthmonth on Instagram. This page really opened up so many books for me is helping me expand the books on my shelf. You can switch it up or stay in the same genre. No matter what do not lose the momentum because you may never know if you will get it back.

10. Find Someone To Read With
It is always helpful to do things with other people in order to stay focused. Study groups, book clubs, etc. Having someone to read with allows you to stay on track. Book exchanges is a good way to diversify your reading list!
Mariah this article was very helpful. A lot of people like to read but stopped for one reason or another but this article will help them get back into it.