Metacritic Score
Genre of 'This Is Why'
My Review and Interpretations
When I got requested to share my thoughts on this album, I was actually quite excited. I usually do not listen to rock music so this was a step outside of my comfort zone. I am happy to report that I am glad that I did take that step. I haven't kept up with Paramore for a while and was happy that their latest album 'This Is Why' is a true masterpiece.
What makes this album even more remarkable is the fact that Paramore's lead singer, Hayley Williams, is a woman. Her contribution to the genre has been nothing short of evolutionary, and the success of this album has definitely instilled her as one of the best frontrunners of rock band history. You would think after six studio albums the band would lose that 'spark'. I will say, that is untrue. Williams' vocals are stunning, and the band's instrumentation is impeccable - making it a must-listen for any music lover. Overall, 'This Is Why' is a testament to the band's talent and dedication to their craft.
The album starts off with the title track. The airiness in Hayley Williams voice lies nicely on the funky beats. The song is a anthem about not giving into the societal boxes. The song also highlights the importance of not judging others. The funky beats then rolls over to some rock and roll with the second track, "The News". The message of this song gets through with the help of Williams. The album then dips into a little bit of rock'n' roll with 'The News'. The guitar and drums mixed in with the powerful vocals makes for a killer combination. Lyrically, the song discusses how how we consume news and the impact that it has one us, especially the bad news. The song's message is is delivered with bravery.
The third track called "Running Out of Time" exhibits a softer, more rock-oriented side of the band, until the flow changes between the verse and the chorus. The theme of the song is to cherish life to the fullest, since it is a precious gift. The message in the song "C'est Comma Ca" takes a futuristic and experimental approach. The phrase is French for 'it is what it is,' which perfectly captures the mood of the song. It's about being drawn to chaos, enjoying it, and ultimately accepting it.
Hayley's unique vocals shine in "Big Man, Little Dignity," a chill rock track with a theme of loving someone who isn't truly themselves and lacks dignity. One thing that I love about the themes of these song sis the way that they convey life so authentically. Each song have a important topic about them without sounding cheesy or repetitive. It could be because of the delivery and the amazing songwriting. Either way, the consistency is good and the meanings are well written.
'You First' is about revenge. The fast paced song will hype you up to get revenge on anyone that has wronged you. Quench your revenge with these badass lyrics that William's is spewing and undeniably bold lyrics wash over you in your pursuit to justice. Next up on the tracklist is "Figure 8". It starts with a catchy and upbeat rhythm that sets the tone .As the beat progresses, it gradually transforms into a series of bends and curves, leading into a melody that evokes a sense of unease and discomfort. This is where the theme of the piece comes into play - it explores the experience of losing oneself and going through an identity crisis. The music captures the confusion and disorientation that one might feel when faced with the daunting task of trying to redefine yourself
